What are Federal and Iowa State employment law requirements?
The Iowa Bankers Association (IBA) Human Resource team has put together an Overview of Federal and Iowa State Employment Laws and Requirements. For additional questions please contact a member of the IBA HR team.
Where can I get the required Labor and Employment Law posters?
Labor and Employment law posters may be downloaded for free from the Iowa Workforce Development website. Click on the following link to access the list of posters available for print: https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/required-employer-posters
Iowa Workforce Development also has a “9-in-1” poster, which includes all state and federal required labor and employment law notices. This all-in-one poster is available at no cost to Iowa employers. Copies of the poster can be obtained by contacting one of the 55 Iowa Workforce Development Centers across the state. Contact information is also available at https://www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/contact.
How often do required notices change? How do I know mine is up to date?
Required notices do not change frequently. If you want to check and make sure your notices are up to date, you can visit https://fwlli.com/posters/. Be sure to read through both the federal notice updates and the state of Iowa notice updates.
What should I be concerned with if I am a bank that employs 50 or more employees?
There are several key things that an employer must comply with once they employ 50 or more employees.
Family Medical Leave Act: Below are some direct links to the Department of Labor website that include information on this law, including posting requirements, required forms, and other general information.
- FMLA Employer Guide
- FMLA Employee Guide
- DOL Fact sheet
- FMLA Frequently Asked Questions
- IBA Sample Policy: FMLA Policy
The Iowa Bankers Association (IBA) has also created a training guide on FMLA, Leaves and Disability. Please contact the HR hotline with additional questions.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: For the most up to date information on the Affordable Care Act visit, www.healthcare.gov.
Affirmative Action Plan: The IBA does not do any consulting on the creation or maintenance of affirmative action plans, but refers banks to vendors who will.
EE0-1 Report: See below for additional information.
There are so many federal labor laws, how do I know which ones apply to my bank?
Many federal labor laws use the number of employees as the threshold to determine if the law applies to an employer. See the Federal Labor Laws by Number of Employees list to see what laws apply to your bank.