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IBA Compliance On-Demand Webinars

The IBA Compliance team has created a library of recorded webinars addressing regulatory compliance issues. The following webinars are archived recordings of previous IBA webinars developed by the IBA’s compliance team, available for purchase and viewing at your convenience. Most webinars are approximately 90-minutes. All webinars include handouts.

Contact Darcy Burnett at (800) 532-1423 for more information.

2025 Annual Training On-Demand Webinars

See pricing below

The IBA Compliance team is presenting four On-Demand seminars designed to meet your annual compliance training needs. This four-part series provides high-level annual training for bankers in retail deposit, lending, operations, and management with an additional section for bank director BSA training.

Deposit Segment – Part One
  • Reg. CC: Expedited Funds Availability Act – coverage, funds availability, hold options, upcoming threshold changes, and practice opportunities
  • Reg. E: Electronic Funds Transfer Act – coverage, errors, unauthorized transfer investigations, liability, practice opportunities
  • Reg. D: Interest on Deposits – coverage, reminders for NOW Accounts and CD penalties
  • Reg. DD: Truth in Savings Act – coverage, disclosures, frequent violations, UDAP concerns, bonuses, and change management
  • Reg. P: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information and FDIC Signage – Privacy: purpose and notice requirements.  FDIC signage:  Changes effective 1/1/25 and 5/1/25 related to FDIC-insured products and nondeposit products.
Lending Segment – Part Two
  • Fair Lending Review and Update – Fair lending laws and regulations, protected classes, forms of discrimination, redlining, adverse action requirements, prohibited activities
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act – Permissible purpose, policy and procedure requirements, direct disputes, risk-based pricing, and Notice to Home Loan Applicant
  • TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosures – scope and coverage, disclosure requirements, common TRID errors
  • Reconsideration of Value for Appraisals – interagency guidance, secondary market requirements
  • Flood Insurance – mandatory purchase requirements, standard flood hazard determination form, notice of special flood hazards, escrow and force-placement
  • Seasoned QM option
BSA Segment – Part Three
  • Risk Assessment Process – Per the AML Act of 2020
  • Customer Identification Program Requirements – key definitions and exemptions, identity and verification requirements, and program tips
  • Beneficial Ownership – key definitions and exclusions, ownership and control prong requirements, partial exemptions, exceptive relief rules, and Registry update
  • Customer Due Diligence – customer risk profiles, monitoring requirements, importance of documentation, and life cycle of account
  • Currency Transaction Reporting – coverage and exemptions, Designation of Exempt Persons, CTR filing requirements and resources, customer inquiries, and common errors
  • Suspicious Activity Reporting – purpose and triggers, investigation process, importance of red flags and FinCEN Advisories, filing deadlines, documentation requirements and filing resources
  • Fraud Identification – Elder financial exploitation, check fraud, money mules, deep fake media using generative AI
  • Managing Risks
  • Exam process and recent findings
  • BSA/AML/CFT Compliance Program Components
  • Board Responsibilities related to BSA, AML and CFT
  • FinCEN updates

Pricing: $250 each for part 1, 2, or 3. $150 for part 4 (BSA) or $750 for all four.


BSA for Directors Training

$150 for members

Wondering if there is an inexpensive and convenient way to train your Board of Directors on the requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act?  Now there is. Register for this on-demand training session specifically designed for the Board. The webinar includes high level overview of the required components of the bank’s BSA and AML programs, related board responsibilities, recent changes to the BSA program requirements, emerging risks and penalties for non-compliance.


E-Sign Requirements

$50 for members

Considering delivering disclosures, notices and statements electronically? This 30 minute video will help you understand the requirements of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESign) to ensure your delivery meets regulatory expectations. Amy Avitable, owner of Tata Consulting has prepared this video specifically for IBA members. She will walk you through the contract requirements, system validations, and demonstrative affirmative consent rules. Your link will allow repeated access to this session for up to six months.


Elder Financial Exploitation

$150 for members

It is no secret that elder financial exploitation is on the rise. While the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) requires the reporting of suspicious activity related to financial elder exploitation, banks also feel a moral obligation to protect seniors. While state law and the BSA regulations allow banks to report suspected elder abuse to state and local protective service agencies, many are hesitant to do so due to perceived legal risk. With the passage of section 303 of the Economic Growth, Regulatory Reform and Consumer Protection Act, banks can both protect their senior customers and receive federal protection from prosecution – but only if proper training has been received.

This webinar is structured in a manner to meet the training component requirements of Section 303 of EGRRCPA and will address:

  • What is financial elder exploitation;
  • The impact of financial elder exploitation
  • A financial institution’s responsibilities related to financial exploitation;
  • Common scams and schemes targeting the finances of the elderly
  • Warning signs of elder financial exploitation;
  • Internal procedures for recognizing and reporting suspected financial elder abuse;
  • SAR filing requirements; and
  • Making reports to adult protective services.


Escrow Establishment – Tips for Success

$150 for members

Escrow accounts can be challenging due to various lending laws and regulations that govern escrowing for taxes, insurance and similar fees.  However, for some banks, escrow accounts are unavoidable and beneficial as they ensure collateral remains adequately protected. Turn your challenges into success stories by joining us to learn about the following:

  • Need to know RESPA requirements
  • Special rules related to Flood premiums and HPMLs
  • Tips and trick related to initial and annual escrow analysis statements
  • Determining escrow deposit amounts
  • Handling surpluses, shortages and deficiencies
  • Short-year statement requirements and when to use them
  • Possible vendor issues
  • Recent regulatory guidance and FAQs, and more!


FDIC Signage and Final Rule

$150 for members

During this in-depth webinar, IBA staff will take a deep dive on the requirements of the final rule. In December 2023, the FDIC published a final rule that amended Part 328 of the FDIC’s regulations, which includes rules governing all FDIC-insured banks’ use of the official FDIC sign; a new FDIC official digital sign for bank websites, apps, and ATMs; and non-deposit signage – as well as rules on misrepresentations regarding deposit insurance coverage and misuse of the FDIC’s name and logo, which applies to both banks or non-bank entities. This rule carries a mandatory effective date of January 1, 2025.


Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

$50 for members

This On-Demand webinar includes covered definitions under the Fair Credit Reporting Act relating to reporting requirements, content for required policies and procedures, interagency guidelines, and the banks responsibility to furnish accurate information to the credit reporting agencies and manage disputes.


First Look at Small Business Data Collection

$150 for members

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 800+ plus page final rule implementing section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act amended Regulation B to require the collection and reporting of certain data related to small business lending.  Nearly every bank in Iowa will be impacted by this rule. The rule contains staggered mandatory compliance dates starting in 2025 for large originators. Therefore, banks need to start preparing for the rule NOW!

This 90-minute webinar, led by the IBA compliance team, will focus on how to determine if your bank is subject to the data collection and reporting requirements with emphasis on:

  • The definition of a “small business”
  • Distinguishing between covered and exempt transactions
  • Identifying and tracking covered originations
  • Understanding the tiered mandatory compliance dates


Flood – Keep Your Program Afloat

$150 for members

Over the course of the last ten years, banks have experienced a deluge of changes related to requirements for collateral properties located in special flood hazard areas, including new legislative mandates, extensive map revisions, FEMA’s revised premium rating system and more. To assist banks in managing their flood compliance programs, the federal banking agencies recently released a revised guidance document consisting of 144 questions and answers (Q&A) that provide meaningful insight into responsibilities that have been in place for some time, changes in regulatory expectations as well as guidance on new mandates.

Significant topics to be addressed during the webinar include:

•  Flood rule applicability and exemptions;

•  Acceptance of flood insurance policies issued by private insurers;

•  Reuse of Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form;

•  Changes related to flood zone discrepancy resolution;

•  Flood insurance requirements for HE LOCs and junior lien mortgages;

•  Provisions requiring banks to escrow for flood insurance premiums and applicable exemptions;

•  Force placement procedures:

•  And much more!

Join the IBA compliance team as we highlight the significant changes and additions to the Q&A and possible impacts on your bank.


HMDA Refresh

$150 for members

To be a HMDA reporter, the bank must exceed the asset threshold, have a branch or home office in a MSA, have originated at least one home purchase or refi of a home purchase loan secured by a first lien on a 1-4 family dwelling, and have exceeded at least one of the origination thresholds set by the HMDA rule.  Whether you are a small bank who meets these requirements, have new staff that need HMDA training or just need a “refresher” on HMDA data collection and reporting, this webinar is for you! In this two hour webinar, IBA staff will focus on HMDA basics including:

  • Identifying HMDA reportable applications
  • Recognizing exempt applications
  • Discerning what is and is not a “dwelling” for HMDA purposes
  • Collecting applicant demographic information
  • Understanding the data points that must be collected


LO and MLO Originator Training

$150 for members

Requirements for training Loan Originator and Mortgage Loan Originators. Webinar covers some of the regulations that involve mortgage lending as well as other useful information, including why training is required, who is a loan originator, who is a mortgage loan originator, MLO qualifications, prohibited activities, LO compensation rules, state codes and federal regulations.


Mortgage Servicing – Not a Big Bank Issue: Six Servicing Snags

$150 for members

The regulatory agencies are scrutinizing the impact of bank’s mortgage servicing processes on consumers, especially for borrowers provided payment accommodations. Supervisory publications warn banks and other mortgage servicers of practices noted during exams that violate Regulation Z and X’s mortgage servicing rules and worse yet, have been deemed unfair, deceptive and even abusive. As a result, banks – large and small – need to ensure their servicing practices are fully compliant and transparent. In this webinar, IBA staff identify six servicing errors ALL mortgage servicers – large and small – will want to ensure they are not making! Those six errors include:

  • Lack of Considerations for Borrowers Exiting Forbearance Plans
  • Error Resolution Deficiencies
  • Failing to Properly Respond to Information Requests
  • Misapplying Mortgage Payments
  • Errors Regarding PMI Notices, Cancellation Requests & Automatic Termination
  • Escrow Account Maintenance Errors


Reg. CC: Implementing Threshold Changes and Reducing Check Fraud

$150 for members

Join IBA’s own Katie Kots and Melanie Knoll as they guide you through the upcoming Reg CC funds availability threshold adjustments and ways to utilize holds to help reduce check fraud. This 90-minute webinar will discuss why threshold increases take place, disclosure considerations, and required implementation steps to ensure you are ready by the July 1, 2025, compliance date.

What You’ll Learn

  • Reg CC funds availability disclosure requirements
  • 2025 Reg CC threshold updates
  • Steps to implement threshold changes
  • Check Fraud Red Flags
  • Utilizing holds to reduce losses
  • Hold notification requirements


Small Business Data Collection Webinar Series

$600 for members – 5 Part Webinar Series

This 5-part webinar series, developed and presented by the IBA compliance team, will take a deep dive into the Small Business Data Collection Rule covering essential rule details banks will need to understand to create and implement their data collection programs. IBA staff will explain the rule requirements in layman’s terms as well as provide implementation tips.

Webinar #1 – What to Report and Exclude

  • Covered Credit Transactions
  • Exclusions w/ Detailed Discussion on HMDA exclusion
  • Determining Small Business Status
  • Determining your Mandatory Start Date

Webinar #2 – Data Collection Deep Dive: The Credit Request

  • Data Point Collection Procedures & Documentation
  • Covered Applications & Exclusions
  • Performing a Gap Analysis
  • Data Points Related to Application Submission
  • Data Points Related to Credit Applied for
  • Data Points related to the Small Business

Webinar #3 – Data Collection Deep Dive: The Credit Decision

  • Data Points Related to the Credit Decision
  • Data Points Related to Pricing
  • Data Collection Tips

Webinar #4 – Data Collection Deep Dive: Applicant Information

  • Collection of Principal Owner’s Demographic Information
  • Determining Business Ownership Status
  • Procedure & Monitoring Requirements
  • Firewall Provisions

Webinar #5: Program Requirements

  • Reporting Requirements
  • Publication of Data
  • Record Retention
  • Accuracy Expectations and Tolerances


Understanding Section 8 of RESPA & Avoiding Kickbacks and Unearned Fees Webinar

$150 for members

Section 8 of RESPA attempts to protect consumers from unnecessarily high settlement costs caused by abusive practices between settlement service providers. While RESPA has not changed much since its inception, the mortgage industry has evolved by leaps and bounds – sometimes bringing into question how Section 8 of RESPA can be applied to current mortgage lending activities.  In this webinar we will review Section 8 basic rules and apply the rule to current mortgage lending practices.

  • Prohibited activities under Section 8 of RESPA
  • What constitutes a referral fee, unearned fee, and kickback
  • Permitted compensation
  • Properly disclosing affiliated business arrangements
  • Pitfalls of certain marketing activities including marketing service agreements, lead agreements, website linking, payments to brokers, and more
  • Tips for reducing Section 8 violation risk
