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IBA Member Spotlight: Colby Seuntjens

Injury Teaches Seuntjens the Power of Optimism

Colby Seuntjens 2023When Colby Seuntjens was pursuing a degree in business administration at Morningside University, he was also playing baseball for the Mustangs. One year, he suffered an injury that required Tommy John surgery. That taught him to be able to stay positive in spite of challenging circumstances.

Overcoming obstacles is a lesson he applies to his career as a junior loan officer at Availa Bank. “Being able to have an obstacle, and then overcome it will be beneficial no matter what career you are in,” he said. He says what he enjoys most about being a lender, is the opportunity it provides to create relationships with people in his community.

What is your favorite thing about working in the banking industry?

My favorite thing about working in the banking industry is being able to create relationships with members of my local community.

Describe one life experience that taught you a lesson that you apply to your banking career.

After receiving Tommy John surgery while playing college baseball, I learned that you must have the ability to see the bright side in things. Being able to have an obstacle, and then overcome it will be beneficial no matter what career you are in.

What is your best elevator pitch for why banking is a great career?

If you genuinely enjoy learning about different careers and different lifestyles, then banking could be a good job for you.

How does getting involved with the Iowa Bankers Association help you and your bank?

Attending the Introduction to Commercial Lending School has really helped me learn the basics of my position. It really set the foundation for a successful career.

When you’re not at work, what do you like to do most?

My favorite things to do outside of work is spend time with my family and play sports like golf or sand volleyball.

What is a quote or guiding principle you live by?

“If you think the price of winning is high, wait until you get the bill from regret.” -unknown.