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IBA Member Spotlight: Alis Golombeski

Golombeski Strives to Be a Continuous Learner

Alis GolombeskiThe banking industry has taught Alis Golombeski to be a continuous learner. “This is used in both my professional and personal life, “she said. “Making sure to be a continuous learner is especially important in my professional life because the banking industry is changing so rapidly whether it would be laws and regulations or the new latest and greatest piece of technology.”

Golombeski, a graduate of South Dakota State University, has had a variety of different positions in the banking industry that include agriculture lender, credit and marketing administrator and farm loan manager. Her most recent role is with Bank Midwest as their business development manager.

Where did you attend college/what degree(s) have you obtained?

I attended South Dakota University where I obtained a double major in animal science and agricultural education with a minor in agriculture business and meat science. After graduation, I started my first banking job in Clive. While working, I attended Dakota Wesleyan University where I pursued a master’s degree in business administration with a focus in strategic leadership. In my banking career, I have completed IBA’s agricultural lending school and my first week of the Iowa School of Banking.

What drove you to choose a career in banking?

As most of us know, when you are fresh out of college and starting a new chapter in your life, there are a lot of uncertainties. Well, this is exactly how my career choice ended up. I never once dreamed of being in banking when I was younger or going through college. At some point in my life, the things I wanted to be were a nurse, chiropractor or an agricultural teacher. While searching for careers in my last year of undergraduate, I realized that I would never have a school or agricultural program like my mentor had; her administration stood behind her and she was all farm wife. This is when I started looking toward the financial industry when I knew I wanted to work with some generation of farmers. The upcoming agriculture producers were fun, but when I came across a job description titled agriculture lender trainee, there was a lightbulb that turned on! I could learn the backside of what went into our family operation and then help others like my parents reach their goals and dreams. I have held many different positions in the financial industry such as agriculture lender trainee, agriculture lender, credit and marketing administrator, farm loan manager and now business development manager.

What is one lesson working in the banking industry has taught you, and how do you apply it to your everyday life?

The one lesson that working in the banking industry has taught me is to be flexible and willing to be a continuous learner. This is used in both my professional and personal life. When looking at the professional side of this lesson in today’s world, everyone is so busy; so, working a standard 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is not something that happens every day. When a customer reaches out, they are expecting an answer now, not later. This is important to me as without our customers we wouldn’t have jobs. Making sure to be a continuous learner is especially important in my professional life because the banking industry is changing so rapidly whether it would be laws and regulations, or the new latest and greatest piece of technology. We as bankers need to continue to keep up with these changes to serve our customers when and wherever they may be.

What is your best elevator pitch for why banking is a great career?

My elevator pitch for why banking is a great career is that it is the next big deal! Working in banking allows you to make the communities that you live and work in prosper through volunteerism, financial strength and dedication.

How does getting involved with the Iowa Bankers Association help you and your bank?

Getting involved with the IBA has helped me network with other banking professionals, continue my education/knowledge through webinars, schools, seminars and learn more about the banking industry and what it has to offer. This helps my bank by being able to be knowledgeable and up-to-date about what is going on in the financial industry so we can better serve our customers and the communities in which we reside.

When you’re not at work, what do you like to do most?

When not working, I love to raise funds for Hunting with Heroes which is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the physical and emotional healing our nation’s visiting and local military heroes through community support, camaraderie, hunting, fishing and dirt track racing in rural communities of Iowa and Southern Minnesota. This year I am projected to raise almost $20,000 for this great organization and I am in the running for the “Top Gun” fundraiser! I would not be able to accomplish this if it was not for the support from the community I live in, Bank Midwest, and my family and friends. Besides fundraising, I enjoy dirt track racing, golf and attending any Iowa Hawkeyes sporting event.

What is a quote or guiding principle you live by?

The guiding principle that I live by is one of Bank Midwest’s Core Values — Be authentic. It’s important to be who you are no matter where you are. This allows you to be the best version of yourself wherever you may be.