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SBA Lending – How SBA Reviews Your SBA Loan Portfolio Webinar


SBA reviews a bank’s SBA portfolio on a quarterly basis and issues the bank its “PARRIS” score. The purpose of this course is to detail the criteria that SBA considers when evaluating a bank’s SBA portfolio and methods to improve your risk rating with SBA. The course will also discuss how SBA utilizes the PARRIS score and SBA’s philosophy when risk rating banks.

Topics covered include:

• Explanation of the PARRIS Score
• How to access the PARRIS Score
• Factors SBA considers when risk rating a bank
• Discussion on how SBA uses the PARRIS Score
• Types of SBA reviews of the bank’s SBA loan portfolio
• Overview of SBA’s Lender Portal
• Discussion of the performance criteria of the PARRIS rating
• Discussion of the asset management criteria of the PARRIS rating
• Discussion of the regulatory compliance criteria of the PARRIS rating
• Discussion of the risk management criteria of the PARRIS rating
• Discussion of the special Items criteria of the PARRIS rating
• Methods to improve your bank’s PARRIS rating

Price $330