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Regulation B: The Equal Credit Opportunity Act Webinar


Many are probably readily familiar with the anti-discrimination provisions under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA). However, there is much more to Regulation B that credit unions need to be aware of.

Join Regulatory Compliance Counsel Michael Christians for this 90-minute deep-dive into the ECOA. During the webinar, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how the regulation’s anti-discrimination requirements affect their day-to-day loan operations. In addition, attendees will learn about special purpose credit programs, adverse action notices, rules on providing appraisals and the collection of monitoring information.

Covered Topics

  • Protected Classifications
  • Rules Concerning Evaluation of Applications and Extensions of Credit
  • Special Purpose Credit Programs
  • Adverse Action Notices
  • Collection of Information for Monitoring Purposes
  • Rules on Providing Appraisals and Other Valuations

Who Should Attend
Credit union leadership, consumer lenders, real estate lenders, commercial lenders, compliance officers and risk managers would all benefit from attending this program.