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Prepping for the Proposed Interagency CRA Rule Webinar


The proposed regulations include major changes from the current regulations. Join us to review the agencies’ new proposed rule, with comparisons to the existing and prior proposed rules, and begin planning for the implementation of the rules once final.

The new regulations will be effective on the first day of the first calendar quarter that begins at least 60 days after the publication date of the final rules. The effective dates for certain sections are delayed for one or two years after publication of the final rule.

What You’ll Learn

  • A comprehensive review of the rapidly changing requirements of the CRA
  • An understanding of how different sized banks are evaluated, either by thresholds, ratings, or a combination
  • The key definitions of assessment areas and how to address each type
  • A solid grasp of how the agencies use different performance tests and standards to assess a bank’s CRA performance, and which tests apply to each type of institution
  • Insight into how data collection and reporting comes into play
  • A detailed manual that serves as a handbook long after you’ve completed the program

Who Should Attend
The program is designed for loan officers, compliance officers, CRA officers, loan department staff, bank counsel and auditors.