Culture has become a top priority for leaders as banks navigate change and look for ways to improve business results and long-term effectiveness. Culture impacts everything from attracting and retaining talent to problem solving to team collaboration to customer service to the achievement of business strategies. Unfortunately, culture is not readily understood by the leaders charged to advance the desired culture by the bank. They are often simply asked to change it without the benefit of understanding what the cultural gaps may be and/or what levers for change on which to focus. We will provide insights into what really drives culture, how it can be assessed, where leaders can focus attention to have the greatest impact, and touch upon the difference between culture and employee engagement. Cultural change is possible!
Learning Objectives:
– Develop an understanding of the leader’s role in fostering a positive culture
– Understand the types of culture found in organizations
– Explore initiatives to implement with a positive cultural impact
Target Audience:
Human resource officers, supervisors, CEOs