The purpose of the IBA Commercial Lending School is to prepare commercial lenders who have not been exposed to formal commercial lending education or lenders who want to broaden their commercial lending knowledge to serve efficiently and profitably as commercial loan officers.
Admission Requirements
The advisory board will decide on all applicants for admission based on the following:
Applicant must be an officer or employee of a bank, a bank holding company or an FDIC-insured depository; a staff member of the state banking dept., FDIC, Federal Reserve Bank, OCC, or of the Iowa Bankers Association or its subsidiaries.
This school assumes a working knowledge of commercial lending. It is not an introductory school. Due to the intensity of the school, each student must have completed coursework in Analyzing Financial Statements and should have the following:
- An academic background that includes coursework in the area of basic accounting and basic economics.
- A minimum of two years experience in commercial lending — or
- One year of commercial lending experience and attendance at IBA’s Introduction to Commercial Lending School.
Applicant must have the recommendation of his/her financial institution’s Chief Executive Officer (a signature line is provided on the application form for this purpose.)
Special circumstances considered on an individual basis.
Single | No Housing | |
Member | $1,750 | $1,550 |
Nonmember | $3,500 | $3,100 |