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Flood Insurance Compliance Requirements Webinar


When it comes to flood insurance compliance there is a lot to remember and even more ways to mess it up. There are determinations to pull, notices to provide, calculations to make, timing requirements to follow, etc., that you must get right. There’s little to no room for error! That’s just the federal regulatory requirements. You also have to deal with insurance industry requirements which can muddy the waters ever more. Failure to comply can also result in hefty civil money penalties. This is an area you want to ensure your financial institution gets right!

What You’ll Learn

  • The Latest Guidance FAQs & Hot Spots (Including Cross-Collateralization)
  • Flood Determinations
  • Letters of Map Change/Revision
  • Special Flood Hazard Area Notice
  • Participating/Non-Participating Communities
  • How Much Insurance Is Required?
  • Determining Insurable Value
  • Multiple Buildings, Detached Garage Provisions & Detached Structure Exemptions
  • Condominiums
  • Private Flood Insurance
  • Escrow Requirements
  • Force Placement Requirements
  • Servicer Notifications
  • CMS Intersection
  • Non-Compliance
  • Monitoring Requirements, Examination Feedback, Resources & Much More!

Who Should Attend

This webinar is for consumer real estate loan officers, loan processors, compliance and audit personnel.