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2024 FDIC Directors’ College


The FDIC Directors’ College is designed for both inside outside bank directors. The presentations will be delivered by a group of experienced FDIC speakers and subject matter experts, and will include up-to-date information on various issues relevant to all bank directors with an overall theme of corporate governance. Please consider this opportunity to interact with your bank’s regulators and enhance your board’s experience and knowledge.

Information & Location

Hotel Information

Airport Holiday Inn
6111 Fleur Dr.
Des Moines, IA 50309(515) 287-2400

Registration Information

Fee includes continental breakfast, breaks, lunch, and program materials.
Member Price $245
Online Registration



8:00 – 9:00am –  Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 – 10:30am – General Session Opening

10:30 – 10:45am – Break

10:45 – 11:45am – Breakout Session 1

11:45 – 12:45pm- Lunch

12:45 – 1:45pm – Breakout Session 2

1:45 – 2:00pm – Break

2:00 – 3:00pm – Breakout Session 3

General Session

The General Session will include a panel of FDIC representatives from the risk management and consumer protection divisions who will discuss the importance of corporate governance.  This session will also include a state-specific economics briefing by the FDIC’s regional economist.

 Accounting (breakout)

This session will address accounting for loan modifications and restructurings, regulatory reporting and accounting considerations of restructuring nonaccrual loans, and lessons learned in community bank implementation of CECL.

 Agricultural Loan Analysis and Classification (breakout)

Agricultural loans are an important component of many community bank loan portfolios.  This session will address underwriting guidelines, administration, and classification guidelines for agricultural loans.  We will share examples of examination analysis and classification of agricultural loans. 

 Capital Markets Hot Topics (breakout)

This session will address the recent rise in interest rates and how it affects interest rate risk, liquidity, capital, and earnings.  Topics will include interest rate risk modeling, liquidity risk measurement, and investment portfolio oversight.  Other topics will include the Community Bank Leverage Ratio and reciprocal deposits. 

 Consumer Protection (breakout)

This session will address major consumer protection concerns facing institutions today.  Topics will include the evolving arena of Financial Technology (FinTech) products and services, Fair Lending, Community Reinvestment Act, unfair or deceptive acts or practices, and flood insurance.

 Cybersecurity (breakout)

FDIC Information Technology experts will provide an overview of today’s cyber threat environment and discuss strategies for reducing risk to the bank.  Topics will include the primary types of cyber-attacks impacting community banks, controls to protect against cyber-attacks, and corresponding examination expectations.

 Insider Abuse Prevention (breakout)

This session will explain why bank insiders commit fraud and share insights from the latest fraud research.  We will share practical tips for preventing insider abuse and review takeaways from several recent bank failures that involved fraud. 

Program Co-Hosts:

Iowa Bankers Association, Community Bankers of Iowa, Iowa Division of Banking

FDIC Directors’ College Flyer

Members $245