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Fair Lending – Key Components & Current Agency Guidelines Webinar


Fair lending issues continue to be emphasized by regulatory agencies. In this webinar, we will explain the types of lending discrimination and provide examples to ensure your team is able to identify and prevent potential issues. Another critical component of identifying fair lending issues includes a discussion of redlining. We will also walk through the current fair lending materials issued from the regulatory agencies, including the Fair Lending Report of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.

Through a study of these documents, we will discuss redlining, appraisal discrimination, the use of artificial intelligence, reconsideration of value and disability discrimination all of which are topics that should be addressed within your institution’s policies, procedures, training or monitoring activities. These topics and more have been the subject of recent agency issued blogs, press releases, webinars, speeches and enforcement actions. Join us as we share tips and best practices to ensure your organization has updated its fair lending compliance management system to include these areas with this renewed focus on fair lending.

What You’ll Learn

  • Describe redlining actions that resulted in enforcement actions
  • Types of discrimination: overt, disparate treatment, disparate impact
  • Understand how inadvertent discrimination can occur
  • Description of recent fair lending enforcement actions
  • Appraisal discrimination examples
  • How to use recent regulatory agency guidance to enhance the institution’s fair lending compliance management system
  • Important components of managing consumer complaints
  • Artificial intelligence hot topics
  • Areas to monitor for disability discrimination

Who Should Attend
This informative session is directed to Compliance Officers as well as Loan Officers (commercial and consumer), all loan support personnel and Auditors. Because the Board and Management are ultimately responsible for your fair lending standards, they would also benefit from this timely session.